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The Importance of Steam Conditioning in Animal Feed Production
In the world of animal feed production, quality is paramount. One process that plays a crucial role in ensuring the...
Keeping it cool in the coop
Moving into the summer months is often accompanied by periods of extreme heat and high humidity. Such environmental...
Pig Farming: Back to the Future
It’s 2035, and the changes in the pig industry have been radical! We see an average of 22 piglets per sow born alive...
Going beyond feed for over 35 years
The Schentke family farm is a third-generation dairy farm located near Thornpark on the outskirts of East London, a...
Solving common problems in your broiler house
There are a number of things that could go wrong in your broiler house which could negatively influence the...
End-of-sale to house resting: Explaining the 7-day process
We have previously focused on the importance of biosecurity in the poultry industry. Today we look at how a broiler...
Warning signs of infectious diseases in poultry
In our previous article we discussed biosecurity and why biosecurity is so important on a poultry farm. Here we will...
What is biosecurity and why is it important?
Chickens are highly susceptible to picking up diseases and getting sick, which makes it vital for broiler farmers to...
Poultry vaccinations: Here’s what you need to know
Like people, cats and dogs, chickens can also be vaccinated. In fact, it is very important to ensure that your...
Want to know more about the inside of an egg? Egg-cellent!
So you’re interested in learning more about the eggs your chickens are producing? Yes, we know about the shell, the...
What not to feed your chicken
Although you may love food like chocolates and french fries, it’s not a good idea to provide them to the free ranging...
What you should know about broilers and layers
Poultry farming, and especially farming with chickens, can be broken into specific industries such as layers, broilers...
How to maintain a healthy poultry house
A poultry house has a number of functions, including protecting your birds from the environment and unfavourable...
Want to learn what chick scoring is? Look no feather!
Chick scoring is important for any hatchery, commercial or otherwise, to evaluate the conformity and vitality of their...
How to candle an egg
What is egg candling? The candling of eggs entails holding an egg up to a light source in order to inspect the...
Take a quack at duck farming, here are the benefits
Although not as popular as poultry farming in South Africa, duck farming has a number of advantages and benefits....
Pregancy Diseases | Hypocalcaemia
During a ewe’s gestational and early lactational stages, she will have increasing nutrient requirements, particularly...
Pregancy Diseases | Pregnancy Toxemia
During a ewe’s gestational and early lactational stages, she will have increasing nutrient requirements, particularly...
Importance of water for livestock
Animal nutrition is one of the most important factors in farming with livestock. The level of nutrition on which...
Breeding Habits of Ostriches
Like chickens, ostriches are oviparous, which means that they lay eggs that hatch outside of their bodies. But unlike...
Wildlife/ Game Feeding and Supplementation | Part 2
In their natural environment, wild game species have little need for supplementary feeding. This is because their...