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Herbivore All-in-one

CLASS: Herbivore Feed

REG. NO. ACT 36/1947: V22476

Balanced feed with application potential across several herbivore species including cattle, sheep, and goats at various stages in their production cycles. Natural protein-based formula with added ammonium sulphate to give some protection against bladder stones.
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Protein Min 150 g/kg
Protein EX NPN Max 8.87 %
Ammonium Sulphate Max 10 g/kg
Moisture Max 120 g/kg
Fibre Max 200 g/kg
Fat Min / Max 25 / 70 g/kg
Calcium Min / Max 10 / 12 g/kg
Phosphorus Min 6 g/kg


This farm feed contains registered stock remedies. Feed strictly according to given
instructions below.


This farm feed contains feed grade UREA and/or other NPN sources and must therefore be fed
strictly according to the instructions for use.


  1. Vinegar is an effective remedy against NPN poisoning. Mix with an equal amount of water.Dose half a bottle per calf or large sheep or 2 – 4 bottles per head of cattle.(1 bottle = 750ml).
  2. Protect this farm feed against rain. NPN is soluble and animals drinking such a solution could be poisoned.
  3. Do not feed this farm feed indiscriminately with other NPN containing farm feed. Consult an animal scientist.
  4. Adaption: When changing from a NPN-free meal to a NPN-containing meal it is advisable to feed a 50/50 mixture over a period of 4 – 6 days.




  • Adapt slowly over three days and feed ad lib with roughage and/or grazing.


  • Feed 16 kg / bull / day or not more than 1% of body weight with roughage and/or grazing.

Lactating cows:

The quantities of feed depend on:
a) Quality and quantity of grazing and/or roughage
b) Stage of lactation
c) Milk and butterfat production

Feed dairy cows not more than 10 kg /day to small breeds and 15 kg/cow/day to large breeds.

Sheep & Goats:


  • Adapt slowly over three days and feed ad lib with roughage and/or grazing.

Ewes and Lambs:

  • Feed not more the 1% body weight per day for lactating ewes as supplementary feed together with roughage and/or grazing or feed as flush feed from 3 weeks before mating to 3 weeks after mating. Allow lambs access to feed.


  • Feed 500 to 1000 g/ram/day or not more than 1% of body weight per day together with roughage or grazing.


  • Feed as protein supplement.
  • Feed 1 to 3 kg/game/day to large game and 200 600 g to small game.