Dr Vlok Ferreira attended the Agri-Expo on Friday the 12th of October to present a talk on “Factors that influence cow productivity”.
How the age at which a cow reaches maturity influences productivity
Dr Vlok Ferreira attended the Agri-Expo on Friday the 12th of October to present a talk on “Factors that influence cow productivity”.
How improving cow productivity reduces environmental impact
Dr Vlok Ferreira attended the Agri-Expo on Friday the 12th of October to present a talk on “Factors that influence cow productivity”.
Wouter de Wet op RSG Landbou
RCL FOODS het onlangs hier aangekondig dat hul besigheid uitgebrei het met die verkryging van Driehoek Voere. Wouter de Wet, uitvoerende bestuurder van RCL FOODS se dierevoerafdeling, gesels op RSG Landbou oor dié verkryging. Hy...
Voerkraalpitkos, RCL FOODS, Navorsingsdata – Johan Mouton
(Johan Mouton, tegniese bestuurder R & D, Ruminants, RCL FOODS) RCL FOODS se Animal Feeds wat Epol en Molatek bemark streef daarna om nie net kwaliteit produkte te verskaf nie maar ook die beste praktyk wat daarmee saamgaan. Teen die agtergrond word...
Development towards the concept of ideal protein nutrition for horses
Brett Roosendaal Technical Executive Animal Feed RCL FOODS, Animal Feed Introduction The daily protein requirement of the horse is a function of the endogenous nitrogen loss and the nitrogen deposition and secretion by the animal. Since the horse has only...
Soyabean meal use in the South African poultry industry: considerations
Brett Roosendaal Technical Executive Animal Feed RCL FOODS, Animal Feed March 2015 Brett.Roosendaal@rclfoods.com Introduction Soyabean meal is the most important source of dietary protein for poultry in South Africa and much of the world. The increased use of...
Global feed production again over 1 billion MT
International feed tonnage has exceeded 1 billion metric tons for the second consecutive year, with a total of 1.07 billion metric tons of feed produced in 2017. This is according to the 2018 Alltech Global Feed Survey. The growth seen in 2017 was strong at 2.57% over...
Impact of feeding larvae to piglets and broilers
In the coming 4 years, scientists from Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands, together with the industry will investigate whether insect larvae are a sustainable source of nutrition for piglets and broilers. For the first time the full environmental...