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Wildlife/ Game Feeding and Supplementation | Part 1
In their natural environment, wild game species have little need for supplementary feeding. This is because their...
Foot-and-Mouth: Why it’s such a big deal
On 7 January 2019 an outbreak of Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in the Vhembe district of Limpopo caused a temporary...
Nutrition of Game Species
Most herbivorous game, that is animals that eat and live off only plant matter, have no need for external...
We don’t want to “boar” you, so here are the different pig breeds in SA
Despite public misconception, not all pigs are the same. In this article, we have highlighted the eight breeds of pigs...
Five reasons you should be farming with ostriches — Courtesy of Epol
As the world’s largest bird, the ostrich (Struthio camelus) weighs over 100kg and reaches a height of over 2m, with...
Want to know the differences between sheep and goats? We’ve “goat” “ewe” covered!
It can often be difficult to distinguish between sheep and goats, especially as some sheep look like goats. For a...
Don’t get caught with your head in the sand! Learn more about Ostriches here!
There are three types of ostriches found in South Africa, namely the South African Black (Struthio camelus...
Hop right into our rabbit terminology — Courtesy of Epol!
There are 305 breeds of domestic rabbit in the world that originate from the European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus....
Feel like a fish out of water? Don’t worry — We’ve got you covered! Part 2
There are two types of trout that are farmed in South Africa, namely Brown trout (Salmo trutta) and Rainbow trout...
Feel like a fish out of water? Don’t worry — We’ve got you covered
There are two types of trout that are farmed in South Africa, namely Brown trout (Salmo trutta) and Rainbow trout...
We’ll “goat” you on the right path with our goat industry terminology
“Caprine” is a term used to describe anything goat-like, or relating to a goat. The domestic goat, Capra hircus, is...
Sharpen up your knowledge with these Cattle Industry Terms!
Cattle farming can be broken down into two sections, namely beef cattle and dairy cattle. In this article, we will be...
Everything you should know about terminology in the chicken industry
We've set out to explain the terminology synonymous with the poultry world, that may not be part of common knowledge....
Effect of body weight and body condition on conception rate
Dr Vlok Ferreira, National Technical Manager - Ruminants, of RCL Foods, Molatek and Epol, attended the Agri-Expo on...
How the age at which a cow reaches maturity influences productivity
Dr Vlok Ferreira, National Technical Manager - Ruminants, of RCL Foods, Molatek and Epol, attended the Agri-Expo on...
How improving cow productivity reduces environmental impact
The differences in cow productivity of the Afrikaner breed is examined from 1980 to 2013 (Jordaan 2015) Dr Vlok...
The key factors that influence cow producitvity – Dr Vlok Ferreira
Introduction Dr Vlok Ferreira, National Technical Manager - Ruminants, of RCL Foods, Molatek and Epol, attended the...
Get insight into the terminology used in the sheep industry!
There are a number of terms in the sheep farming industry that can be confusing if you are new to the industry. In...
Need insight into the pig industry? We’ve set out key terminology! (Part 2)
This article will explain the key phrases that are often found in the pig industry, and that may not be common...
Need insight into the pig industry?
This article will explain key phrases often found in the pig industry that may not be common knowledge. The domestic...
The myth of egg yolk colour — does feed and diet influence colour?
Contrary to popular opinion, the colour of an egg’s yolk does not indicate how nutritional the egg is. The golden...