An explanation of key phrases often found in the pig industry that may not be common knowledge. This article will define industry and general terms.
Need insight into the pig industry?
An explanation of key phrases often found in the pig industry that may not be common knowledge. This article will define physiological and breeding terms.
The myth of egg yolk colour — does feed and diet influence colour?
Contrary to popular opinion, the colour of an egg’s yolk does not indicate how nutritional the egg is. The golden colour of the yolk is actually determined by the diet the chicken is fed! The yolk colour can vary from very pale, almost white in colour, to a deep...
From rearing to laying, your chicks need all the health they can get – we can help!
ABOUT EPOL LAYERS Epol has specialised ranges of feed for the different needs of layer farmers. We know that requirements vary according to levels of production and climatic conditions of each area - which is why we focus on formulating feed for maximising on-farm...
BROILER CHICKS | Part 3 | Unpacking the different feeds we offer
At Epol we offer a wide selection of broiler feeds to suit the specific needs of different broiler farmers. Let’s unpack our Econo, Optigro, Higro and Freerange options: ECONO OPTIGRO HIGRO FREERANGE #ThatEpolLife #EpicEpol #EpolPoultry...
BROILER CHICKS | Part 2 | How To Prepare For Broiler Rearing
In Broiler Rearing Part 1 we covered key feeding points, housing conditions, feeding equipment needed, recommended heating equipment and chick placement. It is now time to check and measure the chicks! Let’s go… CHICK CHECK 1 The first chick check should be done 4 to...
BROILER CHICKS | Part 1 | How To Prepare For Broiler Rearing
Proper management is key to ensuring a strong broiler house. The correct nutrition and housing of day-old chicks makes all the difference when it comes to rearing healthy and productive birds. Let's get started: GET THE REARING HOUSE READY It is very important that...
Aanvulling van ‘n veldkudde – Johan Mouton | Ruminants R&D
Verskeindenheid navorsingstudies oor die aanvulling van fosfaat en proteïen is gedoen wat beginselgewys in dieselfde rigting dui.
Die ekonomiese afronding van lammers in voerkrale — Dr. Vlok Ferreira
Skaapvoerkrale moet bekostigbare lamsvleis lewer én winsgewend wees. ’n Voordeel vir skaapboere is dat lamsvleis nie regstreeks met witvleis meeding nie.
Eggs combat protein poverty
The popularity of eggs has soared worldwide in the last few years — and with good reason! Eggs are a healthy and nutritionally complete food and there are very few religious restrictions on the consumption of eggs. Closer to home, eggs are adding to the nutrition of...
Guidelines to follow when rearing bulls from weaning until utilisation
Dr Vlok Ferreira, National Ruminant Technical Manager Ruminants Email: Due management and nutrition of bulls are essential to the cow-calf producer to ensure maximum reproduction and genetic efficacy of his herd. Various...
Guidelines to feed Wagyu cattle for optimal marbling – Dr Vlok Ferreira
Dr Vlok Ferreira National Technical Manager Ruminants, RCL Foods Wagyu cattle are a genetically unique breed. The marbling occurs in the muscle (intra muscular fat) of the animal rather than on the perimeter of the muscle (subcutaneous fat). When it is a 50/50 cross...
Wouter de Wet op RSG Landbou
RCL FOODS het onlangs hier aangekondig dat hul besigheid uitgebrei het met die verkryging van Driehoek Voere. Wouter de Wet, uitvoerende bestuurder van RCL FOODS se dierevoerafdeling, gesels op RSG Landbou oor dié verkryging. Hy...
Lamhokke verhoog speenpersentasie – Dr Vlok Ferreira
Voerkraalpitkos, RCL FOODS, Navorsingsdata – Johan Mouton
(Johan Mouton, tegniese bestuurder R & D, Ruminants, RCL FOODS) RCL FOODS se Animal Feeds wat Epol en Molatek bemark streef daarna om nie net kwaliteit produkte te verskaf nie maar ook die beste praktyk wat daarmee saamgaan. Teen die agtergrond word...
Development towards the concept of ideal protein nutrition for horses
Brett Roosendaal Technical Executive Animal Feed RCL FOODS, Animal Feed Introduction The daily protein requirement of the horse is a function of the endogenous nitrogen loss and the nitrogen deposition and secretion by the animal. Since the horse has only...
Soyabean meal use in the South African poultry industry: considerations
Brett Roosendaal Technical Executive Animal Feed RCL FOODS, Animal Feed March 2015 Introduction Soyabean meal is the most important source of dietary protein for poultry in South Africa and much of the world. The increased use of...
The six different roles of zinc in pigs
The trace element zinc is being used in various ways in pig feed – both as an essential nutrition component but also, at pharmacological levels, to suppress scouring. This article aims to identify six different modes of actions of zinc for pigs. Trace minerals...
Factors affecting feed intake of chickens
There are many factors which affect feed intake of chickens and hence determine nutrient intake level and efficiency of poultry production. Although the spectrum of these factors is very broad, here the focus will be made on management and environment, feed and water,...
Keeping zinc out by using prefermented rape seed
The medicinal use of zinc oxide can be replaced by adding prefermented rape seed through pig diets, according to the 1st results of a Danish scientific study. Researchers at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, tested whether the inclusion of rape seed cake,...