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Breeding Habits of Ostriches

Breeding Habits of Ostriches

Like chickens, ostriches are oviparous, which means that they lay eggs that hatch outside of their bodies. But unlike chickens that may lay an egg a day, ostriches have a completely different tactic for hatching young. In this article we will define the courtship...

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Wildlife/ Game Feeding and Supplementation | Part 2

Wildlife/ Game Feeding and Supplementation | Part 2

In their natural environment, wild game species have little need for supplementary feeding. This is because their free-ranging habits enable them to pursue more nutritious grazing and therefore satisfy their nutrient requirements. The advent of game farming, however,...

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Wildlife/ Game Feeding and Supplementation | Part 1

Wildlife/ Game Feeding and Supplementation | Part 1

In their natural environment, wild game species have little need for supplementary feeding. This is because their free-ranging habits enable them to pursue more nutritious grazing and therefore satisfy their nutrient requirements. The advent of game farming, however,...

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Foot-and-Mouth: Why it’s such a big deal

Foot-and-Mouth: Why it’s such a big deal

On 7 January 2019 an outbreak of Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in the Vhembe district of Limpopo caused a temporary suspension in the country’s FMD-free status, according to the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. With all the hype surrounding this...

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Nutrition of Game Species

Nutrition of Game Species

Most herbivorous game, that is animals that eat and live off only plant matter, have no need for external supplementation if they are allowed to roam free and graze enough to be able to meet their nutritional requirements. In the case of game animals, however, these...

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