It can often be difficult to distinguish between sheep and goats, especially as some sheep look like goats, but the two species rarely interbreed.
Sharpen up your knowledge with these Cattle Industry Terms!
Cattle farming can be broken down into two sections, namely beef cattle and dairy cattle. In this article, we will be explaining the general terms for cattle when it comes to farming and handling.
Effect of body weight and body condition on conception rate
Dr Vlok Ferreira attended the Agri-Expo on Friday the 12th of October to present a talk on “Factors that influence cow productivity”.
How the age at which a cow reaches maturity influences productivity
Dr Vlok Ferreira attended the Agri-Expo on Friday the 12th of October to present a talk on “Factors that influence cow productivity”.
How improving cow productivity reduces environmental impact
Dr Vlok Ferreira attended the Agri-Expo on Friday the 12th of October to present a talk on “Factors that influence cow productivity”.
Get insight into the terminology used in the sheep industry!
In this article we will be defining some of the lesser known terms regarding sheep physiology, breeding and industry.
Aanvulling van ‘n veldkudde – Johan Mouton | Ruminants R&D
Verskeindenheid navorsingstudies oor die aanvulling van fosfaat en proteïen is gedoen wat beginselgewys in dieselfde rigting dui.
Guidelines to follow when rearing bulls from weaning until utilisation
Dr Vlok Ferreira, National Ruminant Technical Manager Ruminants Email: Due management and nutrition of bulls are essential to the cow-calf producer to ensure maximum reproduction and genetic efficacy of his herd. Various...