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Free Range Broiler Finisher

CLASS: Broiler Finisher Feed

REG. NO. ACT 36/1947: V30840

Finisher feed for commercial broiler farmers aiming to produce broilers competitively. The feed contains all the nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, to ensure muscle growth and fat deposition during the finisher phase.
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Protein Min 180 g/kg
Total Lysine Min 10 g/kg
Total Methionine Min 3.8 g/kg
Moisture Max 120 g/kg
Fat Min 25 g/kg
Fibre Max 70 g/kg
Calcium Min 5 g/kg
Calcium Max 10 g/kg
Phosphorus Min 4 g/kg
5- & 4-Phase feed program: Feed 1300g per bird from 25 to 32 days of age after Free Range Grower.
3-Phase feed program: Feed 2300g per bird from 16 to 32 days of age after Free Range Starter.