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Global feed production again over 1 billion MT

Global feed production again over 1 billion MT

International feed tonnage has exceeded 1 billion metric tons for the second consecutive year, with a total of 1.07 billion metric tons of feed produced in 2017. This is according to the 2018 Alltech Global Feed Survey. The growth seen in 2017 was strong at 2.57% over...

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AI impact on the South African feed industry

AI impact on the South African feed industry

The importance of poultry feed as the biggest contributor to the total feed volumes produced by AFMA members, as well as the biggest contributor to our national feed volumes, have been discussed on numerous occasions during the last 2 years. These discussions focused...

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Cocktail of berries to kill E. coli

Cocktail of berries to kill E. coli

A cocktail of ramsons and acidic berries has been found to be have strong and synergistic antimicrobial activity. Danish researchers think the combination could be used as feed additive in both organic and conventional pig production. The researchers are all connected...

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