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Elite Lamb Creep

CLASS: Sheep Grower

REG. NO. ACT 36/1947: V31080

A creep feed with a nutrient profile ideally situated for young sheep, for suckling lambs.
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Protein (of which a maximum of 9.11% originates from NPN) Min 160 g/kg
Moisture Max 120 g/kg
Fibre Max 200 g/kg
Fat Min 30 g/kg
Fat Max 80 g/kg
Calcium Min 10 g/kg
Calcium Max 12 g/kg
Phosphorus Min 4 g/kg
Ammonium Chloride Max 10 g/kg
This farm feed contains registered stock remedies. Feed strictly according to given
instructions below.
  1. Vinegar is an effective remedy against NPN poisoning. Mix with an equal amount of water.Dose half a bottle per calf or large sheep or 2 – 4 bottles per head of cattle.(1 bottle = 750ml).
  2. Protect this farm feed against rain. NPN is soluble and animals drinking such a solution could be poisoned.
  3. Do not feed this farm feed indiscriminately with other NPN containing farm feed. Consult an animal scientist.
  4. Adaption: When changing from a NPN-free meal to a NPN-containing meal it is advisable to feed a 50/50 mixture over a period of 4 – 6 days.
Feed to lambs from 2 weeks of age at a maximum intake of 1.14% of body weight.