The  optimal  fat-to-meat  ratio  is  important  to  any  pig  farmer  as  it  determines  the  quality  of  meat  grade  and hence  profitability.  All  our  rations  are  scientifically  formulated  to  give  pigs  perfectly  balanced  feed,  helping farmers  achieve  the  optimal  lean  meat  percentage,  which  means  better  on-farm  profits.  The  optimal  fat-to-meat  ratio  –  it’s  the  perfect  balance.

Feeding costs and sow productivity are the two most important variables in the swine business. Although gestation and lactation diets represent approximately 16% of the feed usage on a farrow-to-finish operation, it is vital that these diets be correctly formulated to the productivity level of the herd, and get fed at the correct amounts. 

Careful management of sows during pregnancy and lactation, and from weaning to mating, contributes to sows being mated as soon as possible after weaning. It is important to ensure that lactating sows are fed correctly to achieve maximum milk production. Low feed intake will decrease litter weight gain and subsequent reproductive performance. 

Sow’s milk does not contain an adequate supply of nutrients to sustain the rapid growth of a young pig beyond 21 days, which is why creep feed is provided to the litter before weaning. Piglets will normally be interested in creep feed at around seven days of age. Proper feed changes are essential for minimising aggression and tail biting, and to ensure optimal growth. Always make sure a sow does not have access to creep feed.

The dry period is the time interval from weaning to farrowing where the sow is unproductive. Dry sows should be fed appropriately so that they farrow at the correct weight. 

The daily feeding rate for boars and sows should change according to differences in season, condition, and the workload of the boar.  Proper boar feeding and management are necessary before and during the breeding season. This includes feeding, housing, health and service capacity. When good management practices are not followed, the performance that you obtain from the boar is often disappointing.

All our rations are scientifically formulated to give pigs perfectly balanced feed.